Lao Oz Incorporated

a Sydney based non profit organisation

Lao Oz Logo Transparent SMall
G'Day - Sabaidee

Lao Oz is a non profit and registered charity organisation based in Sydney, Australia with 3 aims:

1. Support underprivileged primary schools in Laos. 2. Preserve/promote Lao culture/identity in Australia. 3. Contact point for all things Lao.

Our vision is:

1. That the children of Laos are empowered to reach their full potential.
2. That Lao culture and traditions are sustained and embraced in Australia.

You can see more detail about our vision and aims on our About page.

The Lao Oz team is a group of enthusiastic volunteers with a wide range of skills and interests, with one thing in common - a love of all things Lao. You can find more about the individuals involved on Our Team page.

The Manola Dance group is example of how we are striving to keep Lao culture alive here in Australia, for more in depth info see the Manola Dance Group page.

Also, you can find details on our events and activities (past and future), some great photo albums, contact info and updates on our latest projects - take a look around and feel free to give us constructive feedback.

You can also check our Facebook page 